Together with the main strategic partners Pivara Skopje and Pakomak, Man and Mountain organized for the fourth time in a row GENERAL WEEKEND this year – the biggest environmental action in Macedonia as well as in the whole western Balkans, during which a record breaking number of more than 300 tons of waste were collected.

Like in the last years, Sparkasse Bank and Nula Otpad supported as official partners and were joined this year by Makstil, Buchim Borov Dol, EVN, Bimilk and Kostal. And again Red Cross took care of the safety of all participants of GENERALKA WEEKEND 24.

Thanks to the great collaboration between our partners, the supporters in all municipalities and our institutions, hundreds of schools, Kindergartens, but also NGOs, Sportsclubs, Pensionists, National Parks, special forces, and many many more contributed in GENERALKA WEEKEND in an unparalleled act of national wide solidarity and friendship beyond all ethnic and political borders! 

18.099 volunteers collected 301,504 kg waste during GENERALKA WEEKEND on more than 400 locations between the 15.-19. May 2024!” say Gordana Sofija and Hannes Jaeckl from Man and Mountain.

Based on the memorandum between the Ministry of Agriculture, National Forestry and Man and Mountain , the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia will dedicate 1 tree for every 10 kilograms of waste collected during the GENERALKA WEEKEND within the framework of their annual plans for afforestation all until 2031 . To date, more than 100,000 trees have been planted thanks to the efforts of the people of Macedonia.

The realization of GENERALKA WEEKEND is also due to the support of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which have been contributing to this action since 2021.

SONCHEVA EP3 – With Valentin from Jazz In – Ohrid

The most famous jazz club in our country was created 35 years ago. Even today, it is the most attractive place in Ohrid for all those who want to hear jazz sounds. And, it is so because of the loyalty of the owners to this kind of music and not deviating from those sounds despite many pressures from passers-by that they should orient themselves towards commercial music if they want to have more audience. This was unacceptable for the owner Valentino Hristovski. He stayed with jazz and that’s why Jazz Inn has a cult status in the Balkans as the only club where only jazz music “reigns”. This episode is dedicated to Valentino and the Jazz Inn.

GENERALKA WEEKEND 24 – Biggest Event of The Year in Macedonia! (after the elections :-)

Everything went well! Participants in all 81 Municipalities were up and cleaning. We received thousands of fotos and films from all over the country. Please check our Facebook Group for more!

The media echo was breathtaking – from influencers to radio stations, printed and online press, TV special reports and news – this weekend you could not escape GENERALKA WEEKEND.

Within the next days we will present the results so stay tuned!

Special Cleaning Action in National Park Sar Planina

Since 20 years these locations were used as illegal landfills by locals as well as visitors. This is the first time that this very dangerous terrain is professionally cleaned. After the cleaning action, Saubermacher will provide containers for waste, so that this beautiful place in the heart of the Sara Mountains will remain clean. 

  • The Army of North Macedonia
  • Center for Crisis Management (CUK)
  • Emergency Intervention Forces (EBR)
  • Special Anti Terrorist Forces Tiger (MVR)
  • Red Cross
  • Saubermacher

Organized and realized by 

  • National Park Sar Planina
  • Man and Mountain

SOS Children´s Village Macedonia and MAM Sign Memorandum For Collaboration

From left to right: Gordana, Silvija Dimitrova and Hannes

Every child deserves a positive perspective in life and not everyone had an easy start. SOS Children´s Village is there, where institutions and circumstances fail those kids. For its restless and inspiring efforts to give a family to those who haven´t got one, SOS Children´s Village became a symbol for the “GOOD” in our society.

Today we signed a Memorandum with Silvija Dimitrova for SOS Children´s Village for a longterm collaboration about environmental and other activities. Together we will develop and realise projects that aim to give every child a green future in our country.
We could not be more happy and energised 🙂

IUTE Plantation together with SOS Children´s Village and Municipality of Gazi Baba – FILM is now live.

We are very happy and proud of being part of this wonderful action. Now we have finished a short film about the action and hope you enjoy it!

And here is the Reel Version on Facebook:


Especially we want to thank our Team MAM for making this video real:
-> Ivana Mircevska (Director)
-> Nikola Kuzelov (Screenplay)
-> Goce Milanoski (Editing)
-> Rade Gogoski (Camera)
-> Voskresija Andreevska (Design)
-> Maja Argjakieva (Photography)

From left to right: Hannes, A., Gordana, Ivana, Nikola, Goce, A. and Rade
From left to right: Hannes, Gordana and Maja

IUTE – SOS Children Village – Municipality Gazi Baba Plantation

“If you could make a wish…” this is what Iute Macedonia asked the kids from SOS Detsko Selo and the kids from the neighboured football club… and each kid wrote their wish on a card. These cards were then attached to 150 trees that IUTE together with the kids from SOS Detsko Selo, the football club and the municipality of GAZI BABA planted around their football field in Gazi Baba | Skopje. As each tree carries a wish of a kid, each member of our society carries the responsibility to protect our youth and to give them the opportunity to become the best version of themselves. These 150 wishes on those 150 trees are a symbol of what we can do together – with the help and protection of the old, let the young grow happy and strong.

Thank you IUTE, SOS Detsko Selo and the Municipality of Gazi Baba and let’s carry this motto together into our future: TOGETHER WE GROW.

Stories of SONCHEVA – Episode 2 – Goats, Cheese and Rock´n´Roll

We are very happy to present the 2nd episode of our “Stories of Soncheva” series.

Goats, Cheese and Rock´n´Roll

Епизода 02:

Давид Неделковски – Goats, Cheese and Rock´n´Roll

„Кози млеко планина“ е бренд што Давид Неделковски и неговите родители го развиваат повеќе од 13 години. Од две наследени кози од неговиот дедо, тој разви мал семеен уникатен бизнис со што сите треба да се гордееме. Кога мотивацијата, посветеноста и љубовта се на највисоко, тогаш успехот и резултатите доаѓаат неусловено. Во родното село Раштак денес Давид се грижи за над 70 кози, кои живеат опкружени со музика и од нивното млеко произведува најразлични видови свежо козјо сирење. А, самиот тој заради уникатниот пристап кон неговиот бизнис веќе има статут на рок ѕвезда. 
Ова е епизодата насловена „ Goats, Cheese and Rock´n´Roll “ посветена на Давид и неговиот бренд Кози Млеко Планина.

“Kozi Mleko Planina” is a brand that David Nedelkovski and his parents have been developing for more than 13 years. From two inherited goats from his grandfather, he developed a small family unique business that we should all be proud of. When motivation, commitment and love are at their highest, then success and results come unconditionally. In his native village of Rashtak, today David takes care of over 70 goats, who live surrounded by music and from their milk he produces various types of fresh goat cheese. And because of his unique approach to his business, he himself already has the status of a rock star.

This is the episode titled ” Goats, Cheese and Rock´n´Roll ” dedicated to David and his brand Kozi Mleko Planina.

Кози Млеко Планина




GENERALKA WEEKEND ´24 will be held on 17., 18. and 19. May 2024 with lots of record breaking highlights this year:

  • 79 Confirmed Municipalities participating
  • All schools
  • National Park Sar Planina
  • National Park Galicica
  • 300+ locations

And much much more coming up in GENERALKA WEEKEND 2024!

Subscribe to the group and stay in touch with us – it’s time to get dirty and clean! 



ГЕНЕРАЛКА ВИКЕНД ´24 ќе се одржи на 17, 18 и 19 мај 2024 со многу рекордни моменти во оваа година:

  • 79 потврдени општини кои учествуваат
  • Сите училишта
  • Националниот парк Шар Планина
  • Националниот парк Галичица
  • 300+ локации

И многу други организации и учесници во ГЕНЕРАЛКА ВИКЕНД 2024!

Зачленете се во официјалната ФБ група и останете во контакт со нас – време е да се извалкаме и исчистиме! 



GENERALKA WEEKEND ´24 do të mbahet në datat 17., 18. dhe 19. maj 2024 me shumë momente rekord për këtë vit:

  • 79 Komuna të konfirmuara pjesëmarrëse
  • Të gjitha shkollat
  • Parku Kombëtar Sar Planina
  • Parku Kombëtar Galicica
  • Mbi 300 vendndodhje

Dhe shumë e shumë të tjera vijnë në GENERALKA WEEKEND 2024!

Regjistrohuni në grup dhe qëndroni në kontakt me ne – është koha për t’u ndotur dhe pastruar!