SONCHEVA EP3 – With Valentin from Jazz In – Ohrid

The most famous jazz club in our country was created 35 years ago. Even today, it is the most attractive place in Ohrid for all those who want to hear jazz sounds. And, it is so because of the loyalty of the owners to this kind of music and not deviating from those sounds despite many pressures from passers-by that they should orient themselves towards commercial music if they want to have more audience. This was unacceptable for the owner Valentino Hristovski. He stayed with jazz and that’s why Jazz Inn has a cult status in the Balkans as the only club where only jazz music “reigns”. This episode is dedicated to Valentino and the Jazz Inn.

Stories of SONCHEVA – Episode 2 – Goats, Cheese and Rock´n´Roll

We are very happy to present the 2nd episode of our “Stories of Soncheva” series.

Goats, Cheese and Rock´n´Roll

Епизода 02:

Давид Неделковски – Goats, Cheese and Rock´n´Roll

„Кози млеко планина“ е бренд што Давид Неделковски и неговите родители го развиваат повеќе од 13 години. Од две наследени кози од неговиот дедо, тој разви мал семеен уникатен бизнис со што сите треба да се гордееме. Кога мотивацијата, посветеноста и љубовта се на највисоко, тогаш успехот и резултатите доаѓаат неусловено. Во родното село Раштак денес Давид се грижи за над 70 кози, кои живеат опкружени со музика и од нивното млеко произведува најразлични видови свежо козјо сирење. А, самиот тој заради уникатниот пристап кон неговиот бизнис веќе има статут на рок ѕвезда. 
Ова е епизодата насловена „ Goats, Cheese and Rock´n´Roll “ посветена на Давид и неговиот бренд Кози Млеко Планина.

“Kozi Mleko Planina” is a brand that David Nedelkovski and his parents have been developing for more than 13 years. From two inherited goats from his grandfather, he developed a small family unique business that we should all be proud of. When motivation, commitment and love are at their highest, then success and results come unconditionally. In his native village of Rashtak, today David takes care of over 70 goats, who live surrounded by music and from their milk he produces various types of fresh goat cheese. And because of his unique approach to his business, he himself already has the status of a rock star.

This is the episode titled ” Goats, Cheese and Rock´n´Roll ” dedicated to David and his brand Kozi Mleko Planina.

Кози Млеко Планина

National Workshop for Handmade Paper

From left to right: Gordana, Ljubco and Hannes

In the City of Deep Lake there is a place where alchemy takes place. In the small workshop and museum located on the most visited street in the city, handmade paper is created from wood, cotton, herbs, coffee … and other various natural materials, according to the knowledge of the people who lived in the 15th century. His father instilled in him a love for this extremely unique skill and art, and in the past 10 years Ljupco Panovski together with his wife and son have deepened it with various innovations based on serious research. SONCHEVA received another inspiring and precious ambassador – we welcome Ljupco.

Jazz Inn Ohrid – The Temple of Groove of SONCHEVA

From left to right: Hannes, Valentin and Gordana

Located by the deepest lake in Europe the family Hristovski’s club „Jazz Inn” is the only place in the Land of the Sun that has remained loyal to the sound of jazz. This place has been a synonymous for the best midnight jazz gigs and live entertainment for over three decades. Still close to the original style of velvet red colors and the patina of the energies of all the visitors, who enjoyed the unforgettable atmosphere of the club. The “Jazz Inn” remains the place to experience the most beautiful sounds of jazz. Since they have been 20 years old, Valentin and Ivo Hristovski have continuously built and preserved the image of the “Jazz Inn” Ohrid and we are proud to welcome them to the family of SONCHEVA ambassadors today!

Sergej and Irena Andreevski Become Ambassadors of SONCHEVA

From left to right: Gordana, Sergej and Irena Andreevski and Hannes

At the entrance to the site there stands a stone statue in memory of his father, the great poet from the Land of the Sun. But this is just the first sign that you have passed in the village with many mystical stories and apparitions, where the House of Art is located. The philanthropists, artists, animal lovers, eco-activists Sergej and Irena Andreevski live there. The have been committed to a clean environment for already more than 20 years and have opened their home to hundreds of artists from all over the world, who created art during the time they spent there. Many of these works are shown at the Art Point Gumno. That place has become a home, a focal point, a shelter, a place of creation and rest for many artists, who while being there, co-exist in synergy with the rich nature around. Our hearts are full of pride that Sergej and Irena gladly accepted to be the new ambassadors of our Land of The Sun – SONCHEVA.

“Angel´s Truffles” from Vanja and Angel Borisovski

From left to right: Angel, Vanja, Gordana and Hannes

Truffle hunting with exclusive degustation on the best natural places in The Land of The Sun. We’ve been there, we experienced and for us the hunt for the mysterious and delicious mushrooms is one-of-a-kind adventures! And we love it!
In the dense forest, below the fallen yellow autumn leaves at the very roots of the trees, we discovered the truffles that Oscar and Carlo had dug from the ground. These unusual and very unique in taste mushrooms have been the focus of research and discovery for several years by Angel and Vanja Borisovski, who turn the truffle hunt into a real feast on the site. There is so much for everyone’s taste: several kinds of cheese, olives… garnished with walnuts, almonds, dried grapes and dates, honey and on top of that the yummy food: truffles! But the main dish is scrambled eggs with truffles. 
They do this with a strong passion, and they say: „When going for truffle hunting, there is just one rule that you need to have in mind – respect nature! Everyone needs to take care of the woods, a divine place for truffle hunters” 
They are new ambassadors in SONCHEVA and we are very proud about that!

Our Eyes In The Sky in Ovche Pole

Together with Dule Janev, Nikola Alexandrov Ristevski has dedicated his life and energy for more than a decade to the research, enrollment and promotion of Ovche Pole as one of the most unexplored and mysterious areas in our country: From the rarest herbs to carved rocks with vivid symbols that speak of ancient events from the history of “The Land of The Sun” – from  oldest religious buildings, beliefs and traditions to authentic local gourmet specialties… Everything is documented in books and movies and today we are very happy to announce that Nikola and Dule are the new ambassadors of Ovche Pole in “SONCHEVA – The Land of The Sun”. 

Сполај ти Дионис – THANK YOU DIONIS

Dark clouds are covering the sun of our land “SONCHEVA” today: We have news that our ambassador, friend and one of the most outstanding persons of our country has passed away: Dionis Paslakov. Our thoughts and hearts are with Dionis´ family and we all push our horns and let our cars sing a song to salute Dionis! Thank you Dionis for inspiring us with your care, with your love and your passion! You became a part of our thinking, of our acts and you will always remain in our hearts!