With 53 Municipalities, already more than 16.000 registered SONCHEVI PIONERI, GENERALKA WEEKEND 2023 was the biggest environmental action ever held on the entire balkans. Together with our partners from Pivara Skopje, Pakomak and with the support of Nula Otpad, Sparkasse Banka, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, MAN AND MOUNTAIN organised this event with more than 450 schools.

In cooperation with Represent Communications, our team produced a two hours+ live broadcast on the incredible vivid facebook group of GENERALKA WEEKEND.



We are very happy to announce that the Ministry of Agriculture together with National Forestry has fulfilled their promise to dedicate one tree for every 10 kg of trash that we all collected together with more than 8.400 volunteers, 190 Organisations in 26 Municipalities in North Macedonia during the GENERALKA WEEKEND 2022.  

From left to right: Minister of Environment Naser Nuredini, Gordana Sofija and Hannes Jaeckl

The Ministry of Agriculture together with National Forestry with the support of the Ministry of Environment, Pivara Skopje and Pakomak have planted nearly 40.000 trees on more than 380.000m2 of land on two locations near Veles and Petrovec (Skopje).  

From left to right: Minister of Agriculture Ljubcho Nikolovski, Hannes Jaeckl and Gordana Sofija

We want to thank all participants of the GENERALKA WEEKEND as well as all supporters of SONCHEVA GORA and we are looking forward to seeing you again on 12.-14. May 2023 for the GENERALKA WEEKEND 2023

Let’s make our selfs dirty and clean our country from the waste of the past and create a green perspective for us and future generations!

All drone recordings are made by:

SONCHEVA GORA – Tree Plantation 2022

from left to right: Hannes, Gordana and Minister of Agriculture Mr. Ljupcho Nikolovski

On the 2nd of June 2022, we Man and Mountain in the name of all SONCHEVI PIONERI of Macedonia signed memorandum with the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Mr. Ljupco NIkolovski and Director of National Forestry Valentin Gruevski about planting trees. For every 10 kg of collected waste during the GENERALKA WEEKEND from 2021 – 2031 the Ministry of Agriculture will dedicate one tree in their annual plantation plans together with the National Forestry for the next 10 years.

from left to right: Minister Ljupcho Nikolovski and Director of National Forestry Mr. Valentin Gruevski

This year they will plant on two locations: Petrovec (Skopje) and Veles.

During the last two years SONCHEVI PIONERI collected more than 360.000 kg of wasteduring the GENERALKA WEEKENDS.

So in this year we plant a breathtaking number of nearly 40.000 trees. These forests will be officially named SONCHEVA GORA.


Opening Event in Skopje / Vodno

Our hearts are full of joy and pride when we saw all the numbers of this year’s GENERALKA WEEKEND. We broke all records and wrote history to enable a better future. We all did this together because we are people with different political, etnical, social and educational backgrounds, but what unites us is the country that we live in, the air that we breath and the water that we drink.

And these are the numbers:·

26 participating Municipalities from 6.-8. May 2022
o 8.212 participants 
o Total collected waste in three days: 186.748kg
o Selected Plastic: 7.249kg
o Selected Paper: 4.897kg
o Selected Glass: 397kg
o Selected Cans: 60kg
o Bulky Waste: 12.280kg
o Mixed Waste: 56.675kg
o Other Waste (illegal landfills): 105.190kg

Thank to our friends and partners, who made GENERALKA WEEKEND happen:
Pivara Skopje
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Agriculture
All mayors and directors of Komunalna and environment inspectors from all participating municipalities
Kids and teachers from more than 40 schools
Firefighters, NGOs, pensionists, sports clubs and everyone who made his/her hands dirty to clean!

We are proud about your trust and next time we will make it better, bigger and greater! This was the second year of GENERALKA WEEKEND and we have 8 more years to go to clean our country.

We are all SONCHEVI PIONERI – lets recycle the waste of the past into a green future – for all of us 🙂

Impressions from 6. May 2022
Impressions from 7. May 2022
Impressions from the 8. May 2022